July 20, 2017


Psalm 119:137–144

Kelly Nix
Thursday's Devo

July 20, 2017

Thursday's Devo

July 20, 2017

Central Truth

God’s Word is worth our time and affection. When all else fails, God’s Word never does. 

Key Verse | Psalm 119:140

Your promise is well tried,
and your servant loves it.
(Psalm 119:140)

Psalm 119:137–144


137  Righteous are you, O LORD,
    and right are your rules.
138  You have appointed your testimonies in righteousness
    and in all faithfulness.
139  My zeal consumes me,
    because my foes forget your words.
140  Your promise is well tried,
    and your servant loves it.
141  I am small and despised,
    yet I do not forget your precepts.
142  Your righteousness is righteous forever,
    and your law is true.
143  Trouble and anguish have found me out,
    but your commandments are my delight.
144  Your testimonies are righteous forever;
    give me understanding that I may live.

Dive Deeper | Psalm 119:137–144

These eight verses are centered on the 18th letter in the Hebrew alphabet Tsadhe. They point to a righteousness and purity only God possesses. By His very righteous nature, nothing He does or says can be anything but purely right. In a world with events, ideas, and feelings determining choices, this is a purity and clarity that I crave.

The Hebrew word for loves used in verse 140 is akin to the kind of craving or physical affection humans have for one another. Just as God gave us sex in marriage to nurture us and build us up, He gave us His perfect Word through His Spirit to nurture us and build us up. Often, we think we know what’s best and waste a beautiful gift by not waiting on God's plan for our lives; or we take God's perfect Word and try to fit it to our desires, instead of asking God to conform us to His desires. When we don’t wait on God’s plan, it doesn’t deter it. We may feel we suffer when our cravings are not met, but God’s ways are always right.

In our home, one family member will say, "God is good all the time," and another will reply, "All the time, God is good!" God is a kind of good that our minds cannot fully comprehend. Becoming a widow before my AARP discount kicked in was not what I ever imagined to be my life, yet here I am, and God is good all the time! I understand David’s craving for God’s love and righteousness.

God's Word is right and informs, His Spirit directs, and His timing prepares us for when trouble comes. Waiting on Him and seeking His Word gives me confidence. This gift of confidence is provided by the free work of God through the Word that became flesh (John 1:14). I don’t deserve this gift and can’t have it on my own. Nothing else is more worth our time and affection. When all else fails, God’s Word never does. Join The Journey helps us apply God's Word to life daily!

Discussion Questions

1. How do you think the Word came to save you (John 5:24)? In what ways do you see the power of the Word (Romans 1:16), and how has the Word changed your life (2 Timothy 3:16-17)?

2. In what ways do you find the comfort of God and righteousness of God in His Word (1 John 5:3; Matthew 11:30)? John 15:3 (AMP) says, "You are already clean because of the word which I have given you [the teachings which I have discussed with you]."

3. How do those around you affect your impression of God’s Word? Do they encourage and rebuke you with all authority (Titus 2:15), or do they wear out your “zeal” (Psalm 119:139)?