November 29, 2019
Central Truth
Fulfill means to complete or carry out. Jesus fulfilled His life purpose by carrying out God's plan and finishing it. Jesus submitted to God and fulfilled the Law and the Prophets and created a new covenant available to all people!
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Have you ever found yourself waiting for God to show up in your life? Do you relate to God's chosen people wandering in the desert and questioning when God is going to deliver them to the Promised Land?
I have! I struggled for over a year with singleness, asking God why, when, and who was going to fulfill my desire to be in a relationship. But I finally realized that Jesus was and is the fulfillment of the relationship I desired. Jesus is the answer. God's plan was, is, and always will be Jesus to fulfill His promises. Jesus fulfills the Law and the Prophets and establishes a new covenant with God's people.
Throughout Matthew, Jesus teaches us to repent (Matthew 4:17); shine the light of God (Matthew 5:16); refrain from lust (Matthew 5:28); not divorce (Matthew 5:32); keep our word (Matthew 5:37); love and pray for our enemies (Matthew 5:44); be perfect because God is perfect (Matthew 5:48); refrain from worry (Matthew 6:25); not judge (Matthew 7:1); love God above all (Matthew 10:37); do the will of God (Matthew 12:50); honor our parents (Matthew 15:4); pick up our cross (Matthew 16:24); forgive (Matthew 18:21-22); be a servant (Matthew 20:26-28); have faith in God (Matthew 21:21-22); love God with all our heart (Matthew 22:37); love our neighbor (Matthew 22:39); be on guard and pray (Matthew 26:41); make disciples (Matthew 28:19); and many more.
I look at this list and think, "Wow, I fall short. No way can I, a sinner, do this perfectly all the time (Romans 3:23)." So what do we do? The answer is easier than we think it is. It has nothing to do with our abilities and everything to do with what Christ has already done. He died so you could live. He came to fulfill every law, every prophecy, and reconcile us to God! He is the message and the messenger, the Word become flesh, the prophecy, and the Prophet. The whole story of the Bible has always pointed to Jesus. The journey in and to the Promised Land was just a glimpse of the new covenant, the Promised King—Jesus Christ!
1. In what seasons/areas of your life have you felt like God didn't lead you out of the desert and into the Promised Land?
2. How can you lean on the promised King to fulfill your need(s)?
3. How is the gospel good news for your life TODAY?
4. How do you feel about what God has done to fulfill and deliver you?
5. What changes can you make to follow Christ's example? How can you walk the talk?