March 20, 2018
Central Truth
Nothing pleases the Lord more than complete trust in Him. He will help you get there, and He gives you a gift in return!
22 That is why his faith was “counted to him as righteousness.”
It’s a great feeling to speak the truth and to have all who hear you believe and accept what you’ve said. When someone doesn't believe you or thinks of you as a liar, it is nothing short of unsettling. Many times, a person’s mistrust can come from simply not knowing who you are.
God has made us in His image, and this response to belief or unbelief is also true of Him. When we believe the Lord and what He says, it pleases Him. When we do not believe Him, it displeases Him. God expresses this several times throughout Scripture—see Deuteronomy 1:32-36 for one example.
When someone believes and trusts in God with saving faith, it delights Him so much that He gives gifts in return. One such gift is the position of being made righteous in His sight.
The real test comes when the Lord makes promises that take a long time to come to pass. But if the Lord said it, you can trust that it will happen. Why? Because of who He is. When it comes to having faith, what we are trusting in is not only the promise, but also the Lord’s character. He is not a liar (Numbers 23:19), and there isn’t a shifting shadow in Him (James 1:17). He wants to get us to the point where we know Him so intimately that our trust in His character leads us to fully rest in Him, knowing that He will do what He has promised.
It took time for Abraham to know the Lord this intimately and to trust Him in this capacity, which could be one of the reasons why it took years for him to see the promise manifested. Not only did the Lord want Abraham to receive what He promised, He also wanted Abraham's faith to be steadfast. This only happened because of Abraham’s development of an intimate relationship with the Lord. Nothing stirs the heart of God like a person who trusts Him completely.
This month's memory verse
20 For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.
21 But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it—
1. What promises has the Lord made to you? If you don’t know, ask Him and then read His Word!
2. What are some of the reasons you may find it difficult to trust wholeheartedly in the promises He’s made to you?
3. What are some of the verses you can stand on to comfort you as you wait for God's promises to happen?