December 6, 2024
Big Book Idea
God with us.
I see him, but not now;
I behold him, but not near:
a star shall come out of Jacob,
and a scepter shall rise out of Israel;
it shall crush the forehead of Moab
and break down all the sons of Sheth.
I see him, but not now;
I behold him, but not near:
a star shall come out of Jacob,
and a scepter shall rise out of Israel;
it shall crush the forehead
Hebrew corners [of the head]
of Moab
and break down all the sons of Sheth.
Moses is the source and primary author of the book of Numbers, which is the fourth volume in the Pentateuch. Its English name comes from the censuses in chs. 1–4 and 26.
Numbers tells of Israel’s journey from Mount Sinai to the borders of the Promised Land, summarizing some 40 years of the nation’s history. With Israel having been freed from slavery in Egypt and then receiving the law (Exodus and Leviticus), the book of Numbers begins with the people’s final preparations to leave Sinai. It then records their triumphal setting out, before a series of events in which the people grumbled about the difficulty of the journey and the impossibility of conquering Canaan. This response leads God to delay their entry to Canaan by 40 years. The closing chapters of the book tell how the people at last set out again and reach the banks of the Jordan, ready to cross into the land promised to their forefathers.
The theme of Numbers is the gradual fulfillment of the promises to Abraham that his descendants would be the people of God and would occupy the land of Canaan. The book shows the reality of God’s presence with Israel in the pillar of cloud and fire over the tabernacle. It also shows how Israel’s unbelief delays the entry into Canaan and costs many lives. Nevertheless, by the end of the book, Israel is ready to enter the land.
There were four elements to God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:1–3, and they all play a role in Numbers:
Numbers consists of three major blocks of material describing the events and laws associated with three centers where Israel encamped for a significant time. These centers are Sinai (chs. 1–10), Kadesh (chs. 13–19), and the plains of Moab (chs. 22–36). They are linked by two short travelogues recording what occurred as Israel journeyed from one camp to the next.
The book of Numbers details the Israelites’ experience in the wilderness as they journeyed from Mount Sinai to Canaan. As with the exodus, it is difficult to establish the exact route that the Israelites took, but it is generally believed that they headed east from Mount Sinai until they reached the Red Sea, where they turned northward to the top of the gulf and on to Kadesh-barnea.
Where do the events in Numbers take place? Chapters 1–9 take place near Mount Sinai. In chs. 10–12 the people travel to Kadesh, where they will spend the next 40 years (chs. 13–19). Next they journey toward Canaan (chs. 20–21), and in the final chapters of Numbers (22–36) they camp in the plains of Moab, across the Jordan River from the Promised Land.
Symbols of holiness are found all throughout Numbers. The tabernacle objects that were farther from the presence of God in the Most Holy Place could be made of ordinary materials like bronze. Within the Most Holy Place, everything was overlaid with pure gold.
The book of Numbers details the Israelites’ experience in the wilderness as they journeyed from Mount Sinai to Canaan. As with the exodus, it is difficult to establish the exact route that the Israelites took, but it is generally believed that they headed east from Mount Sinai until they reached the Red Sea, where they turned northward to the top of the gulf and on to Kadesh-barnea.
Ex. 18:1 | Advice from Moses’ father-in-law | Advice from Moses’ father-in-law | Num. 10:29 |
Ex. 15:22 | Three-day journey to Sinai | Three-day journey from Sinai | Num. 10:33 |
Ex. 15:22–26 | Complaint about water | Unspecified complaint | Num. 11:1–3 |
Exodus 16 | Manna and quail | Manna and quail | Num. 11:4–15, 31–35 |
Exodus 18 | Leaders appointed to assist Moses | Leaders appointed to assist Moses | Num. 11:16–30 |
Ex. 15:20–21 | Miriam’s song of praise | Miriam and Aaron rebel | Numbers 12 |
Ex. 17:8–16 | Israel defeats Amalek | Israel defeated by Amalek | Num. 14:39–45 |
Ex. 17:1–7 | Water from rock | Water from rock | Num. 20:1–13 |
Ex. 32:6 | People sacrifice to other gods | People sacrifice to other gods | Num. 25:2 |
Ex. 32:27 | Killing of apostates demanded | Killing of apostates demanded | Num. 25:5 |
Ex. 32:28–29 | Levites’ status enhanced | Levites’ (Phinehas’s) status enhanced | Num. 25:6–13 |
Ex. 32:35 | Plague on the people | Plague on the people | Num. 25:9 |
Num. 24:17 star . . . scepter. Symbols of kingship (see Gen. 49:10). Sons of Sheth. Probably nomads living in Canaan.
14 Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. 15 In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David, and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. 16 In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will dwell securely. And this is the name by which it will be called: ‘The LORD is our righteousness.’
Jeremiah was called to be a prophet c. 627 B.C., when he was young (1:6). He served for more than 40 years (1:2–3). Jeremiah had a difficult life. His messages of repentance delivered at the temple were not well received (7:1–8:3; 26:1–11). His hometown plotted against him (11:18–23), and he endured much persecution (20:1–6; 37:11–38:13; 43:1–7). At God’s command, he never married (16:1–4). Although he preached God’s word faithfully, he apparently had only two converts: Baruch, his scribe (32:12; 36:1–4; 45:1–5); and Ebed-melech, an Ethiopian eunuch who served the king (38:7–13; 39:15–18). Though the book does not reveal the time or place of Jeremiah’s death, he probably died in Egypt, where he had been taken by his countrymen against his will after the fall of Jerusalem (43:1–7). He most likely did not live to see the devastation he mentions in chs. 46–51.
Jeremiah and Baruch left a record of the difficult times in which they lived, God’s message for those times, and God’s message for the future of Israel and the nations.
The human heart is sick, and no one except God can cure it (17:9–10). The nations worship idols instead of their Creator (10:1–16). Israel, God’s covenant people, went after other gods (chs. 2–6), defiled the temple by their unwillingness to repent (7:1–8:3; 26:1–11), and oppressed one another (34:8–16). Since Israel and the nations have sinned against God (25:1–26), God the Creator is also the Judge of every nation on the earth he created (chs. 46–51).
Thus, all the new covenant partners will be believers who are forgiven and empowered by God; he will “remember their sin no more” (31:34). Hebrews 8:8–12 quotes Jer. 31:31–34 as evidence that the new covenant has come through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The coming of Jesus the Messiah fulfills God’s promises to Abraham, Moses, David, and the prophets.
The book of Jeremiah is set during the politically tumultuous times following the fall of the Assyrians and the rise of the Babylonians. During Jeremiah’s life, several groups of Judeans were deported to Babylon and the temple was destroyed. Though the precise boundaries of Judea and the surrounding regions during this period are difficult to determine, they likely resembled those that previously existed under Assyrian rule, with the exception that Edom (Idumea) was now the area formerly belonging to southern Judah.
The book of Jeremiah is set during the politically tumultuous times following the fall of the Assyrians and the rise of the Babylonians. During Jeremiah’s life, several groups of Judeans were deported to Babylon and the temple was destroyed. Though the precise boundaries of Judea and the surrounding regions during this period are difficult to determine, they likely resembled those that previously existed under Assyrian rule, with the exception that Edom (Idumea) was now the area formerly belonging to southern Judah.
Jer. 33:15 Branch. The Davidic messianic offspring (see Isa. 4:2; Zech. 3:8; 6:12). execute justice and righteousness. A key role God and his Messiah will play (Isa. 9:7; 11:5; Jer. 23:5–6; see 22:3, 13, 15).
Jer. 33:16 The Messiah’s coming will mean salvation for Judah and Jerusalem. The city will be so changed that it will be called: “The LORD is our righteousness,” the name given to the Messiah in 23:6.
4 But that same night the word of the LORD came to Nathan, 5 “Go and tell my servant David, ‘Thus says the LORD: Would you build me a house to dwell in? 6 I have not lived in a house since the day I brought up the people of Israel from Egypt to this day, but I have been moving about in a tent for my dwelling. 7 In all places where I have moved with all the people of Israel, did I speak a word with any of the judges 1 7:7 Compare 1 Chronicles 17:6; Hebrew tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd my people Israel, saying, “Why have you not built me a house of cedar?”’ 8 Now, therefore, thus you shall say to my servant David, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts, I took you from the pasture, from following the sheep, that you should be prince 2 7:8 Or leader over my people Israel. 9 And I have been with you wherever you went and have cut off all your enemies from before you. And I will make for you a great name, like the name of the great ones of the earth. 10 And I will appoint a place for my people Israel and will plant them, so that they may dwell in their own place and be disturbed no more. And violent men shall afflict them no more, as formerly, 11 from the time that I appointed judges over my people Israel. And I will give you rest from all your enemies. Moreover, the LORD declares to you that the LORD will make you a house. 12 When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. 13 He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. 14 I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son. When he commits iniquity, I will discipline him with the rod of men, with the stripes of the sons of men, 15 but my steadfast love will not depart from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away from before you. 16 And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. 3 7:16 Septuagint; Hebrew you Your throne shall be established forever.’” 17 In accordance with all these words, and in accordance with all this vision, Nathan spoke to David.
The author or authors of 1 and 2 Samuel are not known. These books recount the stories of Samuel, Saul, and David. Saul’s reign began between 1050–1030 B.C. and ended in 1010. David then reigned until 971. The books were probably written soon after the end of his reign.
The central theme of the books of Samuel is how the Lord (1) established a dynasty (“house”) in Israel for David rather than Saul and (2) how he chose Jerusalem as the place where David’s successor would establish the temple (“house”) for the worship of the divine King Yahweh.
The purpose of 1 Samuel is to highlight two major events: the establishment of the monarchy in Israel (chs. 8–12); and the rise of David to be king after Saul (chs. 16–31). After ruling for a while, Saul was rejected by the Lord in favor of David (chs. 15–16), though Saul stayed on the throne until his death at Mount Gilboa (ch. 31). Later, in 2 Samuel 7, God promises David and his house an eternal dynasty. The book of 1 Samuel establishes the principle that obedience to the word of God is the necessary condition for a king to be acceptable to the God of Israel.
First and Second Samuel deal with a transitional period in the history of ancient Israel. There is a transition of leadership first from the priest Eli to the judge Samuel, then from the judge Samuel to the king Saul, and then from Saul to David. Samuel thus is the link between the judgeship and the kingship in Israel. He is the prophet God uses to anoint both Saul and David. The kingdom of Saul was also transitional. Under Saul, Israel was more than a loose confederation that gathered together whenever there was a common threat, but there was no strong central rule such as existed later. The story of the rise of David in the second half of 1 Samuel prepares for the full-scale kingship of David in 2 Samuel.
Therefore, obedience to God’s word is of prime importance. Only God’s grace allows sinful human beings to be in relationship with the holy God. Only the God-given way of approaching him through sacrifice can prepare humans to come closer to God. Believers can only wait on God, who will do his will according to his own purpose. What is impossible for humans is possible for God. This should encourage believers to put their faith in the one who is sovereign over the entire creation.
The themes of 1 Samuel are related to the themes of 2 Samuel: the sovereign God, who has guided David’s life, chooses David as the ruler of God’s people. God pledges to David an eternal covenant. David thus becomes the prototype of the future Messiah, Jesus Christ.
The book of 1 Samuel is set in Israel during the transition between the period of the judges and the period of the monarchy. It opens with Samuel’s birth and then describes his role as judge over Israel. When the people ask for a king, the Lord instructs Samuel to anoint Saul as Israel’s first king.
The book of 2 Samuel recounts David’s reign over Israel and his battles to establish Israel as the dominant power in Syria and Palestine. David expanded Israel’s borders from Saul’s smaller territory. By the end of his reign, David controlled all of Israel, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Syria, and Zobah. Other kingdoms, such as Tyre and Hamath, established treaties with him.
How does Chronicles differ from Samuel and Kings? The books of 1–2 Samuel and 1–2 Kings show that the Lord drove Israel and Judah from their land because of their sin. The books of 1–2 Chronicles agree that Israel sinned and suffered exile as a result. They also show that God still had a purpose for his people.
King David is the main character in 1 Chronicles. The writer presents a very positive picture of him, leaving out many of the tragic details of his life that the writer of 2 Samuel describes.
God promised to establish David’s kingdom forever (2 Sam. 7:1–17). Although Adonijah was David’s eldest living son, Nathan and Bathsheba’s actions ensured that Solomon’s claim to the throne was stronger (ch. 1). Solomon became king at David’s death.
Building a house for gods was a common thing for a king or leader to do in the ancient Near East. David’s desire to build a temple for the Lord (7:6–7) may have been influenced by this tradition. Ultimately, however, the temple was built only because the Lord directed that David’s son Solomon “shall build a house for my name” (7:13).
What are royal psalms? Royal psalms (e.g., 18)emphasize God’s promise to David that he would have an eternal kingdom (2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17). David and his descendants are called to bless Israel and the nations of the world. Some of these psalms are praises, some are thanksgivings, and some are confessions of sin. The promises to David point to the Messiah, the ultimate heir of David.
The book of 2 Samuel recounts David’s reign over Israel and his battles to establish Israel as the dominant power in Syria and Palestine. David expanded Israel’s borders from Saul’s smaller territory. By the end of his reign, David controlled all of Israel, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Syria, and Zobah. Other kingdoms, such as Tyre and Hamath, established treaties with him.
1 Samuel | Incident | Psalm |
19:11 | David’s house surrounded | 59 |
21:10–11 | David seized by Achish | 56 |
21:12–22:1 | David escapes from Achish (called Abimelech in Psalm 34 title) | 34 |
22:1 (possibly also 24:3) | David in cave | 57; 142 |
22:9–19 | Doeg the Edomite | 52 |
23:14–15 (possibly) | Desert of Judah | 63 |
23:19 | David betrayed by Ziphites | 54 |
2 Samuel | Incident | Psalm |
8:1–14 | Victory over Transjordan | 60 |
chs. 11–12 | Against house of Uriah | 51 |
chs. 15–17 | Absalom’s revolt | 3 |
chs. 15–17 (possibly) | Desert of Judah | 63 |
ch. 22 | Victory over all enemies | 18 |
David’s Rise (1 Samuel 16–2 Samuel 10) | David’s Failures (2 Samuel 11–20) |
Eager holy warrior | Remains in palace |
Marries honorably | Adultery with Bathsheba |
Protects Saul’s life | Plots Uriah’s death |
Decisive | Indecisive |
Prayers effective | Prayers ineffective |
Fearless when outnumbered | Fearfully takes census |
Attracts thousands of followers | Loses thousands of followers |
Saul | David |
Holy Spirit removed; evil spirit given (16:14–23) | Anointed with Holy Spirit (16:1–13) |
Jealous and treacherous (ch. 18) | Faithful friend (ch. 20) |
Attempts to kill David (ch. 19) | Protects Saul’s life (chs. 24; 26) |
Failed holy warrior (ch. 15) | Mighty holy warrior (ch. 17) |
Kingdom torn away (13:13–14; 15:11, 26) | Kingdom promised forever (2 Sam. 7:1–17) |
1 Chronicles | 2 Samuel | |
Genealogies | 1:1–9:44 | |
Death of Saul and sons | 10:1–14 | 1 Sam. 31:1–2 Sam. 1:16 |
Lament for Saul | 1:17–27 | |
David king of Judah | 2:1–7 | |
War between house of Saul and David; Ish-bosheth made king | 2:8–3:1 | |
David’s sons in Hebron | 3:2–5 | |
Abner helps David | 3:6–21 | |
Joab kills Abner | 3:22–39 | |
Ish-bosheth killed | 4:1–12 | |
David king of Judah and Israel | 11:1–3 | 5:1–5 |
Conquest of Jerusalem | 11:4–9 | 5:6–10 |
David’s mighty men | 11:10–47 | 23:8–39 |
David’s men at Ziklag | 12:1–22 | |
Celebration at Hebron | 12:23–40 | |
Attempted return of ark; death of Uzzah | 13:1–14 | 6:1–11 |
David’s house built | 14:1–2 | 5:11–12 |
David’s children in Jerusalem | 14:3–7 | 5:13–16 |
David defeats Philistines | 14:8–17 | 5:17–25 |
Spiritual preparation for the ark’s return | 15:1–24 | |
Ark brought to Jerusalem | 15:25–16:6 | 6:12–19 |
David and Michal | 6:20–23 | |
David’s psalm of praise | 16:7–43 | |
David’s desire to build the temple | 17:1–2 | 7:1–3 |
Davidic covenant | 17:3–15 | 7:4–17 |
David’s prayer of praise | 17:16–27 | 7:18–29 |
David’s victories | 18:1–13 | 8:1–14 |
David’s officials | 18:14–17 | 8:15–18 |
David helps Mephibosheth | 9:1–13 | |
Ammonites defeated | 19:1–15 | 10:1–14 |
Syrians defeated | 19:16–19 | 10:15–19 |
Ammonites defeated | 20:1–3 | 11:1; 12:26–31 |
David and Bathsheba | 11:2–12:25 | |
Amnon, Tamar, and Absalom | 13:1–14:33 | |
Absalom’s rebellion | 15:1–19:43 | |
Sheba’s rebellion | 20:1–26 | |
Famine; death of Saul’s sons | 21:1–14 | |
War with Philistines; the Philistine giants | 20:4–8 | 21:15–22 |
David’s psalm of deliverance | 22:1–51 | |
David’s last words | 23:1–7 | |
David’s census | 21:1–27 | 24:1–25 |
David plans for the temple | 21:28–22:5 | |
David’s charge to Solomon and the leaders | 22:6–19 | |
David organizes temple personnel | 23:1–26:32 | |
Israel’s military | 27:1–15 | |
Israel’s leaders | 27:16–34 | |
David’s charge to Israel; affirmation of Solomon | 28:1–10 | |
Pattern for the temple | 28:11–21 | |
Offerings for the temple | 29:1–9 | |
David’s prayer of thanks for the temple | 29:10–19 | |
1 Kings | ||
David and Abishag | 1:1–4 | |
Adonijah claims the throne | 1:5–27 | |
Solomon’s coronation | 29:20–25 | 1:28–40 |
David instructs Solomon | 2:1–9 | |
Death of David | 29:26–30 | 2:10–11 |
Solomon establishes his kingdom | 2:12–46 | |
2 Chronicles | ||
Solomon marries Pharaoh’s daughter | 3:1–3 | |
Solomon at Gibeon | 1:1–6 | 3:4 |
God gives Solomon wisdom | 1:7–12 | 3:5–14 |
Solomon’s wise judgment | 3:16–28 | |
Solomon’s prosperity | 1:14–17 | 4:20–34 |
Preparations for the temple | 2:1–18 | 5:1–18 |
Temple built | 3:1–5:1 | 6:1–38;7:13–51 |
Solomon’s palace | 7:1–12 | |
Ark brought to the temple | 5:2–12 | 8:1–9 |
God’s glory fills the temple | 5:13–14 | 8:10–11 |
Solomon blesses the people | 6:1–11 | 8:12–21 |
Solomon consecrates the temple | 6:12–42 | 8:22–61 |
Fire from the Lord consumes the sacrifices | 7:1–3 | |
Solomon and the people offer sacrifices | 7:4–7 | 8:62–64 |
Feast of Tabernacles | 7:8–10 | 8:65–66 |
The covenant confirmed | 7:11–22 | 9:1–9 |
Solomon’s territory increases | 8:1–6 | 9:10–19 |
Solomon’s enemies defeated | 8:7–10 | 9:20–23 |
Solomon’s religious practices | 8:11–16 | 9:24–25 |
Solomon’s economic operations | 8:17–18 | 9:26–28 |
Queen of Sheba visits | 9:1–12 | 10:1–13 |
Solomon’s wealth | 9:13–28 | 10:14–29 |
Solomon’s apostasy and adversaries | 11:1–40 | |
Death of Solomon | 9:29–31 | 11:41–43 |
Division of the kingdom | 10:1–11:23 | 12:1–33 |
Man of God from Judah warns Jeroboam (Israel) | 13:1–34 | |
Ahijah’s prophecy against Jeroboam | 14:1–18 | |
Death of Jeroboam | 14:19–20 | |
Shishak invades Judah | 12:1–12 | 14:25–28 |
Reign of Rehoboam (Judah) | 12:13–16 | 14:21–24,29–31 |
War between Judah and Israel | 13:1–22 | 15:1–8 |
Evaluation of Asa (Judah) | 14:1–8 | 15:9–12 |
Ethiopians defeated | 14:9–15 | |
Azariah the prophet | 15:1–7 | |
Asa’s reforms | 15:8–19 | 15:13–15 |
Asa defeats Syria | 16:1–10 | 15:16–22 |
Death of Asa | 16:11–14 | 15:23–24 |
Reigns of Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri (Israel) | 15:25–16:28 | |
Ahab becomes king (Israel) | 16:29–34 | |
Elijah | 17:1–19:18;21:17–29 | |
Call of Elisha | 19:19–21 | |
Ahab conquers Syria, acquires Naboth’s vineyard | 20:1–21:29 | |
Evaluation of Jehoshaphat (Judah) | 17:1–9 | |
Expansion of Judah | 17:10–19 | |
Jehoshaphat’s alliance with Ahab; death of Ahab | 18:1–34 | 22:1–40 |
Jehoshaphat’s reforms, crisis, and deliverance | 19:1–20:30 | |
Reign of Jehoshaphat | 20:31–37 | 22:41–50 |
Reign of Ahaziah (Israel) | 22:51–53 | |
2 Kings | ||
Death of Ahaziah; Elijah’s prophecy | 1:1–18 | |
Elijah and Elisha | 2:1–25 | |
Evaluation of Jehoram (Israel) | 3:1–3 | |
Moab rebels | 3:4–27 | |
The widow’s oil | 4:1–7 | |
The Shunammite woman | 4:8–37 | |
Miracles for the prophets | 4:38–44 | |
Naaman healed | 5:1–27 | |
The axe head recovered | 6:1–7 | |
Chariots of fire | 6:8–23 | |
Siege of Samaria | 6:24–7:20 | |
Shunammite’s land restored | 8:1–6 | |
Hazael kills Ben-hadad | 8:7–15 | |
Evaluation of Jehoram (Judah) | 21:1–7 | 8:16–19 |
Edom and Libnah rebel | 21:8–11 | 8:20–22 |
Warning of Elijah | 21:12–15 | |
Invasion of Philistia and Arabia | 21:16–17 | |
Death of Jehoram | 21:18–20 | 8:23–24 |
Reign of Ahaziah (Judah) | 22:1–9 | 8:25–29; 9:15–16, 27–28; 10:12–14 |
Reign of Jehu (Israel) | 22:7–9 | 9:1–10:36 |
Reign of Athaliah (Judah) | 22:10–23:15 | 11:1–16 |
Jehoiada’s reforms (Judah) | 23:16–21 | 11:17–20 |
Evaluation of Joash (Judah) | 24:1–3 | 11:21–12:3 |
Joash repairs the temple | 24:4–14 | 12:4–16 |
Death of Jehoiada | 24:15–16 | |
Jehoiada’s son killed | 24:17–22 | |
Syria invades Judah | 24:23–24 | 12:17–18 |
Death of Joash | 24:25–27 | 12:19–21 |
Reign of Jehoahaz (Israel) | 13:1–9 | |
Reign of Jehoash (Israel) | 13:10–13 | |
Elisha’s final prophecy and death | 13:14–25 | |
Reign of Amaziah (Judah) | 25:1–16 | 14:1–20 |
Israel defeats Judah | 25:17–24 | 14:8–14 |
Death of Amaziah | 25:25–28 | 14:17–20 |
Evaluation of Uzziah (Judah) | 26:1–5 | 14:21–22; 15:1–5 |
Reign of Jeroboam II (Israel) | 14:23–29 | |
Victories of Uzziah | 26:6–15 | |
Sinful offering of Uzziah | 26:16–21 | |
Death of Uzziah | 26:22–23 | 15:6–7 |
Reign of Zechariah (Israel) | 15:8–12 | |
Reign of Shallum (Israel) | 15:13–16 | |
Reign of Menahem (Israel) | 15:17–22 | |
Reign of Pekahiah (Israel) | 15:23–26 | |
Reign of Pekah (Israel) | 15:27–31 | |
Reign of Jotham (Judah) | 27:1–9 | 15:32–38 |
Evaluation of Ahaz (Judah) | 28:1–4 | 16:1–4 |
Israel defeats Judah | 28:5–21 | 16:5–9 |
Ahaz’s idolatry and death | 28:22–27 | 16:10–12 |
Fall of Israel | 17:1–23 | |
Resettlement of Israel | 17:24–41 | |
Evaluation of Hezekiah (Judah) | 29:1–2 | 18:1–8 |
Hezekiah cleanses the temple | 29:3–19 | |
Hezekiah restores temple worship | 29:20–36 | |
Hezekiah restores Passover | 30:1–27 | |
Hezekiah destroys idols, organizes priests | 31:1–21 | |
Fall of Israel (restated) | 18:9–12 | |
Assyria invades Judah | 32:1–23 | 18:13–19:37 |
Hezekiah’s illness and restoration | 32:24–26 | 20:1–11 |
Hezekiah’s wealth and foolish pride | 32:27–31 | 20:12–19 |
Death of Hezekiah | 32:32–33 | 20:20–21 |
Reign of Manasseh (Judah) | 33:1–9 | 21:1–18 |
Manasseh’s repentance | 33:10–20 | |
Reign of Amon (Judah) | 33:21–25 | 21:19–26 |
Evaluation of Josiah (Judah) | 34:1–2 | 22:1–2 |
Josiah’s early reforms | 34:3–7 | |
Josiah repairs the temple | 34:8–13 | 22:3–7 |
Book of Law discovered; Josiah’s reforms | 34:14–33 | 22:8–23:20 |
Passover celebrated | 35:1–19 | 23:21–27 |
Death of Josiah | 35:20–27 | 23:28–30 |
Reign of Jehoahaz (Judah) | 36:1–3 | 23:31–33 |
Reign of Jehoiakim (Judah) | 36:4–8 | 23:34–24:7 |
Reign of Jehoiachin (Judah); Babylonian captivity | 36:9–10 | 24:8–17 |
Evaluation of Zedekiah (Judah) | 36:11–12 | 24:18–20 |
Destruction of Jerusalem | 36:13–21 | 25:1–21 |
Remnant flees to Egypt | 25:22–26 | |
Jehoiachin released | 25:27–30 | |
Proclamation by Cyrus | 36:22–23 |
David was the youngest son of Jesse of Bethlehem. When Saul was rejected as king, God chose David as his successor. A handsome and gifted man, David played the lyre to soothe Saul, gaining his favor and eventually becoming his armor-bearer. On a mission to deliver food to his older brothers, David fought and killed the giant Goliath. He became Israel’s greatest king, and made Jerusalem the nation’s capital city. Although he was a godly man, David fell into sin with Bathsheba. God used him not because he was mighty or perfect, but because he found favor in God’s sight. The Lord promised David an eternal throne (2 Sam. 7:16), and through his lineage came Jesus the Messiah. (2 Samuel 7:1–29)
2 Sam 7:6–7 I have not lived in a house. Nothing in the regulations about the ark in Exodus suggests that it was to be placed in a building. Rather, it would need carrying poles (Ex. 25:10–16), as it was carried from place to place.
Building a house for gods was a common thing for a king or leader to do in the ancient Near East. David’s desire to build a temple for the Lord (7:6–7) may have been influenced by this tradition. Ultimately, however, the temple was built only because the Lord directed that David’s son Solomon “shall build a house for my name” (7:13).
2 Sam 7:12 Your offspring after you refers to Solomon.
Building a house for gods was a common thing for a king or leader to do in the ancient Near East. David’s desire to build a temple for the Lord (7:6–7) may have been influenced by this tradition. Ultimately, however, the temple was built only because the Lord directed that David’s son Solomon “shall build a house for my name” (7:13).
2 Sam 7:14 I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son. Hebrews 1:5 applies these words to Christ. As Messiah, Jesus inherits David’s role as representative of God’s people (his “son,” Ex. 4:22–23; see Ps. 89:26–27).
2 Sam 7:8–17 God will not let David build him a house. Instead, the Lord will build David a house (a ruling dynasty). See notes on 1 Chron. 17:10b–14; 22:6–16.
Saul | David |
Holy Spirit removed; evil spirit given (16:14–23) | Anointed with Holy Spirit (16:1–13) |
Jealous and treacherous (ch. 18) | Faithful friend (ch. 20) |
Attempts to kill David (ch. 19) | Protects Saul’s life (chs. 24; 26) |
Failed holy warrior (ch. 15) | Mighty holy warrior (ch. 17) |
Kingdom torn away (13:13–14; 15:11, 26) | Kingdom promised forever (2 Sam. 7:1–17) |
God promised to establish David’s kingdom forever (2 Sam. 7:1–17). Although Adonijah was David’s eldest living son, Nathan and Bathsheba’s actions ensured that Solomon’s claim to the throne was stronger (ch. 1). Solomon became king at David’s death.
We see prophesies given and fulfilled time and time again throughout Scripture. Moses recounts one of the great prophesies, that of a future King, in Numbers 24:17. Here we see Balaam prophesying to Balak, the King of Moab at the time, about the future coming of a great King that would arise from the nation of Israel. This King would destroy all enemies of the Israelites and "crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth." Balaam uses the words star and scepter to refer to the future King. In Jeremiah 33:14-16, we see Jeremiah record a prophecy similar to Balaam's, but Jeremiah instead is referring to the future King as a Branch.
The particular words that refer to the future King in these verses lead us to believe the Coming One will be royalty and "crowned in majesty," but also a Branch that comes from one of Israel's own. We understand that the birth of Jesus Christ, His perfect life on earth, and His death on the cross are the complete fulfillment of these prophecies.
As believers celebrating this Advent, our hearts look back to prophecies fulfilled and rejoice in the hope they provide. For we know and can rest assured that the final prophecy will be fulfilled in the Second Advent. Jesus came once to "execute justice and righteousness in the land" (Jeremiah 33:15) and pay for our sin so that we can be restored to the Father. The fulfillment of these prophecies provides an anchor of hope for the fulfillment of the foretold Second Coming of Jesus. Our great King, the One "who is and who was and who is to come" (Revelation 1:8), will come again to gather us to Himself and create a new heaven and earth.
This month's memory verse
everyone who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory,
whom I formed and made.”
1. Where else in Scripture have you seen prophecies fulfilled?
2. How have you seen God's faithfulness from Scripture play out in your life?
3. What distractions can you lay aside this Advent season to create space for your heart to rejoice in the prophecies that have been fulfilled and will be?
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