Big Idea

Outward appearances can be deceiving. God looks at the heart.

This month's memory verse

James 3:17

17But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.

Join the Journey JR. Podcast

The Philistines and the Ark

Friday, Aug 4, 2023

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Prayer provides peace

Key Verse | 1 Samuel 1:10

Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord.

1 Samuel 1:7–18

7Year after year it was the same—Peninnah would taunt Hannah as they went to the Tabernacle.* Each time, Hannah would be reduced to tears and would not even eat.

8“Why are you crying, Hannah?” Elkanah would ask. “Why aren’t you eating? Why be downhearted just because you have no children? You have me—isn’t that better than having ten sons?”

Hannah’s Prayer for a Son

9Once after a sacrificial meal at Shiloh, Hannah got up and went to pray. Eli the priest was sitting at his customary place beside the entrance of the Tabernacle.* 10Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord. 11And she made this vow: “O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be yours for his entire lifetime, and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the Lord, his hair will never be cut.*

12As she was praying to the Lord, Eli watched her. 13Seeing her lips moving but hearing no sound, he thought she had been drinking. 14“Must you come here drunk?” he demanded. “Throw away your wine!”

15“Oh no, sir!” she replied. “I haven’t been drinking wine or anything stronger. But I am very discouraged, and I was pouring out my heart to the Lord. 16Don’t think I am a wicked woman! For I have been praying out of great anguish and sorrow.”

17“In that case,” Eli said, “go in peace! May the God of Israel grant the request you have asked of him.”

18“Oh, thank you, sir!” she exclaimed. Then she went back and began to eat again, and she was no longer sad.


1:7 Hebrew the house of the Lord; also in 1:24.
1:9 Hebrew the Temple of the Lord.
1:11 Some manuscripts add He will drink neither wine nor intoxicants.