Big Idea

God is at work even when we can't see it.

This month's memory verse

Galatians 5:22-23

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

Join the Journey JR. Podcast

Surprise - A Pirates of the Mountain Story

Monday, Apr 29, 2024

Listen to the Join the Journey Jr. podcast with your kids.

Elihu wrongly explains Job's suffering.

Key Verse | Job 36:21

Be on guard! Turn back from evil,
  for God sent this suffering
  to keep you from a life of evil.

Job 36:11-21

11“If they listen and obey God,

they will be blessed with prosperity throughout their lives.

All their years will be pleasant.

12But if they refuse to listen to him,

they will cross over the river of death,

dying from lack of understanding.

13For the godless are full of resentment.

Even when he punishes them,

they refuse to cry out to him for help.

14They die when they are young,

after wasting their lives in immoral living.

15But by means of their suffering, he rescues those who suffer.

For he gets their attention through adversity.

16“God is leading you away from danger, Job,

to a place free from distress.

He is setting your table with the best food.

17But you are obsessed with whether the godless will be judged.

Don’t worry, judgment and justice will be upheld.

18But watch out, or you may be seduced by wealth.*

Don’t let yourself be bribed into sin.

19Could all your wealth*

or all your mighty efforts

keep you from distress?

20Do not long for the cover of night,

for that is when people will be destroyed.*

21Be on guard! Turn back from evil,

for God sent this suffering

to keep you from a life of evil.


36:18 Or But don’t let your anger lead you to mockery.
36:19 Or Could all your cries for help.
36:16-20 The meaning of the Hebrew in this passage is uncertain.