Big Idea

Thinking and feeling God's way.

This month's memory verse

Joshua 1:9

“This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Join the Journey JR. Podcast

The Monday Mashup - Aug. 5

Monday, Aug 5, 2024

Listen to the Join the Journey Jr. podcast with your kids.

God is the father over all!

Key Verse | Psalm 68:5

Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—
  this is God, whose dwelling is holy.

Psalm 68:4-14

4Sing praises to God and to his name!

Sing loud praises to him who rides the clouds.*

His name is the Lord

rejoice in his presence!

5Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—

this is God, whose dwelling is holy.

6God places the lonely in families;

he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.

But he makes the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

7O God, when you led your people out from Egypt,

when you marched through the dry wasteland,


8the earth trembled, and the heavens poured down rain

before you, the God of Sinai,

before God, the God of Israel.

9You sent abundant rain, O God,

to refresh the weary land.

10There your people finally settled,

and with a bountiful harvest, O God,

you provided for your needy people.

11The Lord gives the word,

and a great army* brings the good news.

12Enemy kings and their armies flee,

while the women of Israel divide the plunder.

13Even those who lived among the sheepfolds found treasures—

doves with wings of silver

and feathers of gold.

14The Almighty scattered the enemy kings

like a blowing snowstorm on Mount Zalmon.


68:4 Or rides through the deserts.
68:11 Or a host of women.