Big Idea
Thinking and feeling God's way.
This month's memory verse
“Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives."
Join the Journey JR. Podcast
Monday, Sep 30, 2024
Listen to the Join the Journey Jr. podcast with your kids.
And the Lord multiplied the people of Israel
until they became too mighty for their enemies.
23Then Israel arrived in Egypt;
Jacob lived as a foreigner in the land of Ham.
24And the Lord multiplied the people of Israel
until they became too mighty for their enemies.
25Then he turned the Egyptians against the Israelites,
and they plotted against the Lord’s servants.
26But the Lord sent his servant Moses,
along with Aaron, whom he had chosen.
27They performed miraculous signs among the Egyptians,
and wonders in the land of Ham.
28The Lord blanketed Egypt in darkness,
for they had defied* his commands to let his people go.
29He turned their water into blood,
poisoning all the fish.
30Then frogs overran the land
and even invaded the king’s bedrooms.
31When the Lord spoke, flies descended on the Egyptians,
and gnats swarmed across Egypt.
32He sent them hail instead of rain,
and lightning flashed over the land.
33He ruined their grapevines and fig trees
and shattered all the trees.
34He spoke, and hordes of locusts came—
young locusts beyond number.
35They ate up everything green in the land,
destroying all the crops in their fields.
36Then he killed the oldest son in each Egyptian home,
the pride and joy of each family.
37The Lord brought his people out of Egypt, loaded with silver and gold;
and not one among the tribes of Israel even stumbled.
38Egypt was glad when they were gone,
for they feared them greatly.
39The Lord spread a cloud above them as a covering
and gave them a great fire to light the darkness.
40They asked for meat, and he sent them quail;
he satisfied their hunger with manna—bread from heaven.
41He split open a rock, and water gushed out
to form a river through the dry wasteland.
42For he remembered his sacred promise
to his servant Abraham.
43So he brought his people out of Egypt with joy,
his chosen ones with rejoicing.
44He gave his people the lands of pagan nations,
and they harvested crops that others had planted.
45All this happened so they would follow his decrees
and obey his instructions.
Praise the Lord!
Join the Journey JR. Podcast
Monday, Sep 23, 2024
Listen to the Join the Journey Jr. podcast with your kids.